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H2O Spas

We offer Canadian made hot tubs and spas for everyone. Whether its couples, families, soakers or party goers. At Saylor Spas we stand by every product that we sell. H2O Spas offers the perfect combination of quality, convenience and affordability. Each hot tub and spa made offers durability, large seating and several arrays of jetting. Product of British Columbia.

Call us at Saylor Spas for pricing and availability.      (613)-853-TUBS

Hot tubs & Spas

Click here for more images and info on H2O Spas: WWW.H2OSPAS.CA/SPAS/

Value Spas
Starting @ $4999

Discover true value in design, energy efficiency and performance with the exclusive value line spas. Popular because of the sheer functionality and state-of-the-art manufacturing, these spas are perfect for those who want quality and functionality in a single go.


Traditional      Spas
Starting @ $5999

Customizable, enjoyable and fitting in every budget, our traditional line of spas is an affordable option ideally suited for those who look for a more personal spa experience. Select options that you require in your hot tub and get ready to explore a relaxing and comfortable spa experience. The highlight of this line is the comfortable seating and the spacious 40″ shell depth.

Premium     Spas
Starting @ $7999

For those who prefer luxury at its best, the premium line spa is an ideal option! Exciting features of our premium spa line pamper and relax you from within and lighten your mood in an instant! Enhance your spa experience and immerse yourself into the depths of rejuvenating pleasure with our premium line of spas.

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